Inaugural Fair Finance School: Enhancing Climate Finance Education for Sustainable Change
From the 6th to the 8th of July, the Fair Finance Coalition Southern Africa (FFCSA), proudly hosted the inaugural Fair Finance School in Johannesburg. This enlightening three-day event gathered approximately 40 participants from six African countries, namely South Africa, Uganda, the Gambia, Kenya, Zimbabwe, and Togo. The school presented a distinctive and enriching educational experience, delving into foundational climate finance concepts, fostering the exchange of personal narratives and insights on climate finance, and cultivating a comparative understanding of diverse contexts across the continent.
The primary objective of the school was to redefine the paradigms of education and capacity building, placing a profound emphasis on a human-centered perspective of finance, underpinned by principles of justice, human rights, and dignity. The workshop started with an exploration of the intricate interplay between finance and human rights, followed by enlightening film screenings that catalysed insightful discussions. The subsequent days of the school were marked by hands-on, action-oriented activities. Participants were adeptly equipped with actionable strategies to effectively engage with finance-related matters, including harnessing grievance mechanisms and cultivating strategic connections with Development Finance Institutions. Comprehensive guidance was also provided on the intricacies of effective advocacy techniques, astute media engagement strategies, and the art of crafting resonant digital campaigns.